Is your school or agency hiring school social workers or school based mental health professionals? Please contact to have your free posting appear here! A note to job seekers: SSWAM posts links to known available positions but cannot guarantee the availability or accuracy of postings.
Recent Open Positions
Career Information
Education Needed
Most school social workers across the state possess a Master's of Social Work degree. Positions requiring a LCSW are becoming increasingly more prevalent. A few districts and agencies who contract to provide school based mental health services do hire bachelors level social workers, but not often. In addition, school districts prefer to see social workers who have school based field education/practicum settings. Here is a list of universities that offer BSW and/or MSW degree programs:
Bachelor of Social Work Program ONLY
Williams Woods University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Fontbonne University
Southeast Missouri State University
Evangel University
Southwest Baptist University
Avila University
University of Central Missouri
Missouri Western State University
Master of Social Work Program ONLY
University of Missouri - Kansas City
BOTH Bachelor and Master Programs
University of Missouri - St. Louis
University of Missouri
Saint Louis University
Missouri State University
Park University
BOTH Master and Doctoral Programs
Washington University
Applying for Positions
School based positions are in high demand, have a high volume of applicants apply, and positions fill fast. Most districts hire between March-May and again in August. Agencies with school based positions typically hire in the summer and again in January, due to different fiscal years and grant deadlines. If you are going to graduate soon or already have a social work degree and are looking for job postings, you have come to the right place. While SSWAM does its best post all known open positions across the state, we recommend that you also routinely check individual district HR pages and the following websites for additional opportunities: